Eva Papastergiou

5 Ideas to Practice Self-Compassion

In essence, self-compassion is about extending the same warmth and care to yourself that you would give to others in times of need.

  1. The Self-Compassion Break:
    • When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, pause and follow three steps:
      a. Mindfulness: Acknowledge the difficult feelings.
      b. Common Humanity: Remind yourself that everyone experiences challenges.
      c. Self-Kindness: Ask yourself what you need in this moment and offer gentle words of encouragement, as you would to a friend.
  2. Daily Self-Compassion Journal:
    • Write down three things each day that you appreciate about yourself. Reflect on small acts of kindness or moments where you showed patience with yourself. This practice shifts focus towards self-kindness and appreciation.
  3. Affectionate Body Scan:
    • Close your eyes and scan your body, noticing where you feel tension or discomfort. Instead of criticizing or ignoring these areas, send compassionate thoughts like, “Thank you for working so hard,” or “It’s okay to rest.”
  4. Talk to Yourself Like a Friend:
    • Imagine a close friend is experiencing what you’re going through. How would you respond to them? Now, try using those same kind and supportive words for yourself. This shifts your perspective and allows space for self-compassion.
  5. Set Boundaries as Self-Compassion:
    • Practicing self-compassion also means protecting your energy. Identify areas where you feel drained and set healthy boundaries, such as saying “no” to activities or people that deplete you. Recognize that taking care of your needs is an act of self-love.

These activities can help cultivate a more gentle, understanding, and loving relationship with yourself.